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test driven development


Test driven development (TDD) is a great thing.

(I'm not going to define it for you. If you want to learn about what it is, go google it really quick.)

There are certain situations where pure test driven development works extremely well. I'll give an example from my recent past:

I'll water this down a bit, but my application has a feature that allows a user to search with wildcards. For example: My * search. Pretty obvious what that does I think. I needed to integrate this feature with a third-party system that doesn't support wildcards like that. It supports regular expressions. For example: My .* search. If it was as simple as transforming * to .* this would be pretty trivial, but (as usual) there were many more nuances to the behavior and it quickly became a can of worms.

This was an excellent candidate for test driven development: I wrote roughly 50 unit tests for a pure function that was responsible for transforming various wildcard patterns into regular expressions. I then proceeded to write the code to make all of the tests pass.

Going forward, these tests now serve as great documentation for what the function does (regular expressions are notoriously difficult to maintain). In addition, any developer making changes to this function in the future will have high confidence they aren't breaking existing functionality by mistake.

This is all fine and great, and I can't recommend TDD enough. However, there are certain situations where pure TDD like this is a burden and slows down development significantly, ultimately impacting the business.

Let's say you're writing middleware for a web application to handle authentication and authorization. While I'm sure you can make the case there's a way to write this with pure TDD, in my experience unless you're extremely practiced and skillful at TDD, this is going to be a pain and could take 5x as long to write.

In situations like this, I do not recommend skipping tests altogether. I also do not recommend writing all the code and then circling back to write tests at a later date. If you write tests after all of your code is done, your tests are going to be extremely brittle and will mostly be testing that the code you wrote is the code you wrote. Writing tests while you write your code is a great way to ensure your code is well-structured and testable.

I suggest writing a bit of your code, writing a bit of your tests, writing a bit of your code, writing a bit of your tests, and so on. It takes practice to get the feel for this, but it's an alternative way to get some of the benefits of TDD without the burden.